Saturday 14 January 2012

Day 63 & 64 - Fail & Win

Firstly last night (Friday) - 4 x 15 mins planned, but both of us were feeling queasy in the stomach department, and after a trip to the bathroom in the 1st interval, and 9 minutes in the 2nd I decided to let discretion be the better part of valour, especially as it was (literally) an accident waiting to happen :) We've put it down to a new snack bar we had on Friday, that we won't be having again :)

Now to the important one - Day 64.

We started a bit later than expected due to an overrunning meeting at my bank (New computer system, and all that entails - The bank shall not be named but the system is in severe need of some proper UAT, and the training department needs to pull its socks up as well)

Plan - 5 Intervals - 30', 1hr, 30', 1hr, 30', 5R - 3hr 30 min total rowing, 3hr 50 total time, the most we've ever rowed in 1 session.

Anita - Absolutely magnificent.

1. 30' - 6165m @ 2:26 20spm
2. 1hr - 12331 @ 2:26 20
3. 30' - 6209 @ 2:25 20
4. 1hr - 12809 @ 2:20.5 23 (PB by 302m, 3.4s/500m!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
5. 30' - 6042 @ 2:29.0 22
TOTAL - 43556m @ 2:24.6 rowing time, 2:38.4 inc rest

This girl is crazy!!! Not only does she churn out 2 hours at 20spm, but between 2 and 3hrs she does a massive PB for the 1hr by 302m!!! This is Anita's first Marathon distance, and she would have gone through the FM in 3:43 total time. She says the 100km doesn't scare her anymore - It's going to hurt, but it's doable, and its all about conditioning.

Me - First time over 50km in one session, so got to be happy with that :)

1. 30' - 7594m @ 1:58.5 23spm
2. 1hr - 15026 @ 1:59.8 24
3. 30' - 7535 @ 1:59.4 25
4. 1hr - 14586 @ 2:03.4 24
5. 30' - 7462 @ 2:00.6 26
TOTAL - 52203m @ 2:00.6 rowing time, 2:12.1 inc rest

I'm now happy with my conditioning - For the last 5 minutes of the last interval (From 3:25 to 3:30) I was easily pulling low 1:50's/high 1:40's. My issue is my left sitting bone. I will need to factor in short breaks every 10k for the 100k to make this doable - Indeed to get under 7hrs I need to pull 2:00, and can have 2+ mins rest every 10k, though I doubt I'll need any more than a minute rest per break.

Anita is planning a 12843m (Just over the hour) row tomorrow to get to 100k for the week, and we will stay at 100k per week now until the 100k event in March :)

Cumulative distance since 3rd Oct: 2124730m (1320.5 miles)
Anita - 973692m
Andy - 1151038m

The Journey:
Start - Topnotch Gym Colchester CO4 9ES
Finish - Kolm, Austria

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