Saturday 7 January 2012

Day 59 - Endurance, Endurance, Endurance

The 2nd 3-hour session this week, 4 x 45', 5R (First two Intervals), 8R (Last Interval).

Due to the Virtual Team Challenge on the Concept2 website ( Anita announced she wanted to do over 100km this week. She got her wish :)

1. 9256m @ 2:25.8
2. 9287m @ 2:25.4
3. 9513m @ 2:21.9!
4. 9476m @ 2:22.5 (Apparently this was a Cool Down :))
Total - 37532m @ 2:23.9

Anita munched this one up, with enough energy over to go quite a bit faster in the 2nd half than the first. The 100km is becoming less and less daunting for her. It will hurt, but it will be manageable.

My intervals were as follows:

1. 11119m @ 2:01.4
2. 11137m @ 2:01.2
3. 11113m @ 2:01.5
4. 10332m @ 2:10.7 (A proper Cool Down! To be honest I couldn't have done much more)
Total - 43701m @ 2:03.6

The first 3 intervals weren't too bad, but the last (Admittedly a Cool-Down) hurt a lot, my bum and high up my thighs the worse of all, prompting me with 20 mins left to get rid of my seat pads. This helped somewhat.

Nutrition wise we do this on a banana, gel pack and glucose tablet each. We'll need something more substantial on the 100km, but not too much more. Estimates of the Calorie expenditure today are 3500 for me and 2250 for Anita!!!

Cumulative total today - 81233m
Cumulative Total since 3rd Oct - 1935070m (1202.65 miles)

The Journey:
Start - Topnotch Gym Colchester CO4 9ES

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