Monday 20 February 2012

Day 79 - Back on it.....

3 x 20' with a 20' Cross Trainer Cool-Down tonight, our first workout in 2 weeks, 1 week planned rest (Went to watch Billy Connolly at the Ipswich Regent, he was amazing!!, and a 4-day SQL Server 2008 R2 course in London) and 1 not so planned (Just felt run-down and vaguely ill).

Anita put down a 2:17, 2:18 and 2:18.9 for her 3 intervals. Anita felt like her heart rate was too high, and her recovery time for the pieces was too long, but this is too be expected after a couple of weeks off. She however didn't feel like she overdid it, so I reckon we should be back at peak within a week or so.

I  did a 1:51.1, 1:59.5 and 1:57.4. The 1:51 was at 150 drag, with the other 2 at 130. It felt really good to be back in the gym!!

Anita also started the fundraising at work today, collecting about £130 in sponsorship!!! The last big push has started :)

Anita - 13048m
Andy - 15534m
Cumulative - 2817083m (1750.8 miles)

The Journey:
Start - Topnotch Gym, Colchester
Finish - Ladomirová, Slovakia

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